• Oxides

    Oxide minerals represent a diverse and essential group of minerals composed of oxygen anions (O2-) combined with metal cations. They can be found in various

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  • Native Elements
    Native Elements

    Native element minerals are a unique and captivating group of minerals composed of a single chemical element in their pure form. They can be found

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  • Mohs Hardness Scale
    Mohs Hardness Scale

    The Mohs Hardness Scale is a universally recognized tool used to classify the hardness of minerals based on their ability to scratch one another. Developed

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  • Mineral Identification
    Mineral Identification

    Mineral identification is the process of determining the name and characteristics of a mineral specimen by using a variety of tests. It is an important

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  • Mineral Basics
    Mineral Basics

    Minerals, naturally occurring substances formed through geological processes, are the essential components of rocks. These substances often take thousands or even millions of years to

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  • Minerals vs. Rocks
    Minerals vs. Rocks

    Minerals and rocks, commonly mistaken as synonymous, possess unique characteristics in terms of composition, formation, and properties. This discussion will delve into the primary distinctions

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