
Kieserite is a magnesium sulfate mineral known for its colorless to white or pale gray appearance and its vitreous to earthy luster. This mineral often forms as small, prismatic or tabular crystals, but can also occur as granular or massive aggregates. Kieserite belongs to the sulfate class of minerals and is commonly found in evaporite deposits, particularly in association with other sulfate minerals such as gypsum and anhydrite.


Kieserite is primarily used as a source of magnesium and sulfur in agriculture, where it is valued for its ability to provide essential nutrients to plants. The mineral serves as a natural fertilizer and soil amendment, helping to correct magnesium and sulfur deficiencies in the soil. Kieserite’s water-soluble nature allows it to release these nutrients slowly, making it an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers.


Kieserite forms through the evaporation of mineral-rich bodies of water, such as lakes, lagoons, or shallow seas. This process leads to the precipitation of various minerals, including kieserite, which crystallizes from the concentrated brines. Kieserite can also form as a result of the alteration of other magnesium-bearing minerals, such as dolomite or magnesite, under specific conditions.


Kieserite is predominantly found in evaporite deposits, where it is associated with other sulfate minerals like gypsum and anhydrite. The mineral can also be found in salt domes, as well as in some cave deposits. Significant deposits of kieserite have been discovered in Germany, Poland, and Spain, as well as in the United States and Canada.


Though not widely known for its metaphysical properties, kieserite may be considered a mineral of grounding and balance due to its connection with the earth element. Some may believe that it can help to stabilize one’s emotions and promote a sense of calm and inner peace. As a source of magnesium and sulfur, kieserite could also be seen as a symbol of nourishment and support, encouraging personal growth and self-improvement.

LusterVitreous to earthy
Hardness (Mohs)3.5
ColorColorless, white, pale gray
CleavageGood in one direction, distinct in another
Specific Gravity2.57 – 2.63