
Pyrite, often referred to as “Fool’s Gold,” is an iron sulfide mineral belonging to the class of sulfides and the sub-class of disulfides. This captivating mineral is known for its brass-yellow color and metallic luster, which closely resembles gold. Pyrite is commonly found in well-formed cubic, octahedral, or pyritohedral crystal structures and can also occur as granular or massive aggregates.


Pyrite has a variety of applications, both historically and in modern times. It has been used as a source of sulfur for the production of sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide, which are essential in various industrial processes. Additionally, pyrite has been utilized in the creation of sparks for early firearms and as a mineral detector in radio receivers. Although not a significant source of iron, pyrite is sometimes used as a low-grade iron ore.


Pyrite forms through various geological processes, including hydrothermal, sedimentary, and igneous processes. The mineral is produced as a result of the reaction between iron and sulfur under specific temperature and pressure conditions. These conditions can occur in various geological environments, such as near volcanic vents, in sedimentary rocks, and within metamorphic rocks.


Pyrite is a widespread mineral found in various geological environments across the globe. It can be found in igneous rocks, such as granite and basalt, as well as in sedimentary rocks like shale, limestone, and sandstone. Pyrite is also commonly associated with metamorphic rocks, such as schist and marble. Some of the most significant pyrite deposits are located in the United States, Peru, Spain, and Germany.


In metaphysical practices, pyrite is believed to have a range of properties that can positively impact an individual’s life. It is considered a stone of protection, ambition, and vitality, often associated with wealth, success, and manifestation. Pyrite is also thought to enhance creativity, mental clarity, and focus, as well as promote emotional well-being by encouraging the release of negative energy and fostering feelings of self-confidence and determination.

ClassSulfides (Disulfides)
Hardness (Mohs)6-6.5
StreakGreenish-black to brownish-black
ColorBrass-yellow, sometimes tarnished to iridescent shades
CleavagePoor in one direction
Specific Gravity4.95 – 5.10