
Sodalite is a feldspathoid mineral, belonging to the tectosilicate subclass, known for its captivating blue color and distinctive white veining. The mineral exhibits a cubic crystal system and a vitreous to greasy luster, often appearing in massive or granular forms. Sodalite is typically opaque and displays a range of blue shades, from light to deep royal blue, making it easily recognizable.


Sodalite’s primary use is as an ornamental stone for carvings, sculptures, and decorative items, owing to its striking color and aesthetic appeal. Additionally, the mineral is utilized in the production of glass, ceramics, and pigments, particularly for the creation of vibrant blue and violet hues. Its relative hardness and durability make sodalite suitable for various applications, both functional and artistic.


As a gemstone, sodalite is prized for its unique blue color and intricate white veining patterns, which create a captivating visual effect. The mineral is often used in various forms of jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings, as well as in ornamental carvings and decorative objects. Sodalite’s affordability, combined with its beauty and individuality, make it an appealing choice for those seeking distinctive gemstones.


Sodalite forms in nature through various geological processes, including the crystallization of silica-poor igneous rocks and the alteration of existing minerals in contact metamorphic environments. The mineral’s unique composition, characterized by the presence of sodium and aluminum, results in its distinct blue color and sets it apart from other feldspathoid minerals.


Sodalite can be found in several geological settings, including intrusive igneous rocks like nepheline syenites, as well as in contact metamorphic zones. Some of the most notable deposits of sodalite are located in Brazil, Canada, Namibia, and Russia, which are known for their abundance of silica-poor igneous rocks and unique geological environments that promote sodalite formation.


In metaphysical and spiritual practices, sodalite is believed to possess a range of beneficial properties. The mineral is said to promote emotional balance, self-esteem, and self-acceptance, helping individuals overcome self-doubt and negative thought patterns. Sodalite is also considered a stone of insight and intuition, aiding in the enhancement of mental clarity, creativity, and communication. Furthermore, the mineral is thought to encourage spiritual growth and a deeper connection to one’s inner wisdom.

LusterVitreous to greasy
Hardness (Mohs)5.5-6
ColorBlue, with white veining 
CleavagePoor to indistinct in six directions
Specific Gravity2.27-2.33