The Mad Alchemist

  • Axinite


    Axinite is a group of calcium aluminum borosilicate minerals belonging to the sorosilicate class, with three main sub-types: ferroaxinite, magnesioaxinite, and manganaxinite. These minerals exhibit

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  • Epidote


    Epidote is a calcium aluminum iron silicate mineral belonging to the sorosilicates class. It is known for its pistachio-green to blackish-green color and vitreous to

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  • Zoisite


    Zoisite is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral belonging to the Sorosilicates class and the Epidote group. It exhibits a range of colors, from colorless to

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  • Lawsonite


    Lawsonite is a hydrous calcium aluminum silicate mineral belonging to the sorosilicate class. Its distinct physical characteristics include a pale blue to colorless appearance with

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  • Allanite


    Allanite is a complex calcium aluminum iron silicate mineral belonging to the epidote group within the sorosilicate class. It exhibits a dark brown to black

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  • Vesuvianite


    Vesuvianite, also known as idocrase, is a complex calcium aluminum magnesium silicate mineral belonging to the sorosilicate class. It exhibits a range of colors, including

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  • Olivine


    Olivine is a magnesium iron silicate mineral belonging to the orthorhombic crystal system and is part of the nesosilicate subclass. This mineral is known for

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  • Garnet


    Garnet is a group of silicate minerals belonging to the cubic crystal system and is part of the nesosilicate subclass. Garnets are known for their

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  • Zircon


    Zircon is a zirconium silicate mineral that belongs to the nesosilicates class, known for its tetragonal crystal system and striking variety of colors. The general

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  • Topaz


    Topaz is an aluminum silicate fluoride hydroxide mineral belonging to the orthosilicates class, celebrated for its remarkable range of colors and glassy, vitreous luster. The

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