
  • Dolomite


    Dolomite is a carbonate mineral that belongs to the anhydrous carbonate subclass within the trigonal crystal system. Named after French mineralogist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu,

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  • Rosasite


    Rosasite is a captivating secondary carbonate mineral belonging to the monoclinic crystal system. Known for its beautiful blue-green hues, rosasite often exhibits acicular, fibrous, or

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  • Malachite


    Malachite is a striking green copper carbonate hydroxide mineral that belongs to the monoclinic crystal system. Its vibrant green color, ranging from light to dark

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  • Siderite


    Siderite is an iron carbonate mineral belonging to the trigonal crystal system, characterized by its yellowish to brownish color, and a vitreous to pearly luster.

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  • Calcite


    Calcite is a widespread calcium carbonate mineral that belongs to the carbonate class within the trigonal crystal system. It exhibits a remarkable diversity of crystal

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  • Azurite


    Azurite is a striking blue copper carbonate mineral belonging to the carbonate class, specifically within the monoclinic crystal system. Known for its vivid blue color

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  • Aragonite


    Aragonite is a carbonate mineral, specifically a polymorph of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and belongs to the aragonite group within the class of carbonates. The mineral

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